Tuesday, November 6, 2012

If only time stood still. . . but I'm grateful it doesn't!

If time could stand still, I would take a moment to post.  But, then I'd miss out on the life adventures I get to have with my family.  So, for now just wanted to say that we are doing well and happy.  I have lots of pictures to share and fun things to post about. But, I gotta get through all my housework and child care first. . . haha.  Doesn't sound promising :)  But it will happen!!  Soon.

Election Day

The boys may not be able to fill out a ballot, but here's their vote, America!

Thumbs up for Romney!

Clapping for the results . . . we hope!

My handsome boys.  They liked having me explain election day and that I hoped Romney would win, but we would find out tonight.