Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Catch up through pictures

Brayden was obsessed with this swing we got at a consignment
 sale a few weeks ago. He doesnt get in much anymore.

cute scrunched sleeping face

big smile! I love how his eyes close when he smiles so big.

Playing with Anna

I just like these overalls

Brayden's always been a lip sucker. When he was first
born we said he had ducky lips because he would
suck his bottom lip so that his top lip would stick out
like a duck bill.  Just one of those cute Braydenisms.

Zander watching conference with us on the couch.

The swing that is a true tender mercy! Zander does not like to get laid down, but he'll usually be content and even sleep here during the day. Back saver.

I gave in to Brayden one morning and let him go play with Sadie outside. As you can see, she runs so much during the day that our grassy backyard has a huge mud hole in the middle. Brayden loves dirt, so of course that's where he would go play too.
The little muddy feet. Good thing it all came out in the wash!

Our new DVD case in an attempt to keep Brayden out! He's ruined a couple of his DVDs because they get so scratched from him dropping them, etc.

My cute boy with no clothes because we were doing Thrush treatment that stains everything. We got away with NO STAINS other than an old T-shirt I would wear during the days that he used the Gentian violet stuff.

Here's his purple mouth. (I'm not sure if the Thrush is really gone yet. I'm so bad at being able to see if it's abnormally white or not. . . He goes to the doctor in a couple weeks and I'll ask. Otherwise we'll have to start again I guess.)

A little froggy buddy in our backyard. Right next to the weeds. . .
The biggest dragonfly I've ever seen was sitting on our window the other day.
He was huge!

This is Preston's Christmas gift. I'm not a fan of early Christmas gifts, but I know this is what he wants. I found a new one on craigslist for a great price and decided I'd better just pick it up now. He still hasn't found it, so no spilling the beans! I'm just waiting for him to decide to mow the lawn again and I'll try and have the camera ready :)

Brayden chose a huge serving spoon to use one day. It was great.

We're getting in the Halloween spirit. Just decorated and picked out pumpkins. Yesterday Zander wore his cute dracula onsie. It's a little big, but I think it's a 3-6 month size, so it should be.

Brayden tried on his costume. You'll have to wait and see the whole thing because I'm fixing it up a little. I think we'll all be pretty cute in not-so-"cute" costumes. Brayden is a spider, Zander is going to be a fly and Preston and I will be the web. We'll all be the Web of Love :) hehe. But, really it'll be mostly funny when we're holding both boys.

My mom got us a double stroller which came yesterday! 

Brayden liked helping set it up :D
Really he was stuck and asking me to help him out,
but I decided to snap a picture first. Awful, right?

1 comment:

Priscilla said...

Oh my gosh! Zander looks so much like you! He's simply adorable!