Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sad day in the Brown home
It's interesting to look back and think of the little signs that there were that maybe things weren't working out. Some of them are weird, but true. For instance, I had several baby dreams before we knew I was pregnant and for about a week after finding out. The dreams stopped about the time that the baby stopped developing. I also could tell a change in my body from the beginning and even though I was still fatigued and always hungry after the baby "died," I didn't feel my body keep changing or growing. Preston and I were also blessed because neither of us felt like it was real. We were of course very excited ... especially when we first found out ... but that faded away about the same time the fetus stopped developing and we never felt that it was real after that, so we weren't too attached. It's interesting to see how things work out.
It may sound cold and uncaring, but I think that we're pretty much over it ... as much as you can be. We'll always remember and it will probably keep bringing tears to my eyes. But, we had processed the idea over the weekend when the problems first arose and, although neither of us bluntly admitted it, we both thought that we would get bad news from the doctor. We talked about how Heavenly Father is in control and ultimately everything would be fine no matter how the pregnancy turned out. Of course we still hoped for good news :) But, I'm so grateful to my Heavenly Father for the amazing comfort he's given me in my times of sorrow. He knows and understands everything I'm going through and I know it. In our "family" scripture study we've been reading the D&C and over the weekend and last night we read sections 121 and 122 (written to Joseph Smith while he was in Liberty jail and wondering how long the Lord would allow them to suffer). It was very applicable and I know that the Lord could name all the significant things that have happened in my life that have been a challenge, but the message would be the same ... all these things will be for MY good! I know it. So, yes, I have cried and mourned in my own way, but now we're both back at work and turning the page to a new chapter of life. We know the miscarriage wasn't our fault and that it really might be better in the long run. I mean, it was miscarried for a reason ... it would have had major physical problems had my body allowed it to keep growing. So, I'll count my blessings and hope that we can still be parents soon. In fact, judging by how quickly we got pregnant last time (pretty much within a week of trying!) we probably won't even have to tell everybody the bad news ... we'll just change the due date and no one will even know :) hehe.
I also realized how many great friends Preston and I have. I ran into Liz in the Wilk right after hearing the news and had a breakdown, but she was there to comfort me :) We had some neighbors (the Wongs) bring dinner on Monday; some other neighbors (Holly & Jeff) bring flowers, cookies and a cute card yesterday and tonight we're getting dinner from my visiting teachers! Everyone is just so nice!! So thank you for your thoughtfulness, support and prayers! We can feel all the love from our friends and family and knowing that we have so many people who care about us helps us be able to be so resilient.
Thanks again to all of you for being a support to us! We always know we have people to turn to in times of need and that's a great feeling!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Catch Up
On November 22nd, Liz and I threw a baby shower for Ka and we were happy to find that it was a success!! We had a lot of people show up and we were able to put together all the food and games. They may have been lame games, but they were fun.
Later that day was the big U vs Y game, which we all know how that turned out. We drove up to Preston's house for a football party with a bunch of his family and friends. Half of us were routing for the Y and half were for the U, so it made for a pretty entertaining group. But since we were going to be with so many rival routers, we had to show our team spirit and decided to take some blue jello. The jello was a good idea, but writing "BYU" with whipped cream before we made the drive was anything but a good idea. Liz was with us and took a video of it as we were driving, so hope you think it's as funny as we did.
Preston and I have put our tree up and decorated outside. We're still trying to find time to pull everything else up and decorate the tree, but it's a work in progress. I had my harp concert last saturday too and it went really well. Probably one of my favorite concerts in my whole BYU career. My group played Solfeggietto and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. The best part was that we all wore tape on our noses when we walked out for Rudolph and after a dramatic beginning to the song, we stuck red noses on and started the melody :) It was so much fun!
Well that's all for now, but hopefully you'll be hearing from us again soon!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Big Game
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Baby Brown ... ready or not, here you come!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
M&Ms, Voting, Football and Mr. Potato Head
We had so many trick-or-treaters on Halloween it was crazy!! They ate all our candy (one piece each) and there were still more! It was a good thing that Staci and eric brought their leftover candy so we could give that away! Thanks guys! It was fun though. We saw lots of fun costumes too. Some of the usual ghosts and goblins, some princesses, fairies and those sort of things. But, I think my favorite were our costumes - M&Ms :) It was pretty great. We were both fat, mostly round M&Ms.
The best part was having Heidi & Jake, Ka & Jeff, Staci & eric and Kelly & Nick over for a chili dinner, catching up and a movie. I loved seeing all of you! We have been blessed with so many great friends! We were going to watch a movie on the wall through the projector that Preston borrowed from his seminary. Before we decided what we wanted to watch, we browsed the cable to see if there was anything good on TV, but pretty much the only one we found was Night of the Living Dead, which Heidi and Jake had just watched recently and said it was pretty lame. So, we decided to watch Clue on the projector, but we left the TV on while we got it set up. By the time we were ready to go with Clue, most of us wanted to at least know what happened in the movie, so we ended up just watching that. Heidi and Jake were right ... it was lame :) Everybody died! Well, now we at least know what happens I guess.
On saturday we drove to the county building in Salt Lake to vote. We only had to wait about 45 minutes, so it wasn't too bad. Then we headed to Preston's parent's house to watch the Y and U football games on the projector. Rob came to join us and we had a little party in the basement. It was a pretty great set up. the projector had the screen showing on the entire wall! We had lots of snacks and a yummy salmon dinner! I enjoyed watching the Y game, and I liked the first 2 quarters of the U's game. After that, I took a little nap :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Fabulous Fun Friday!
On Saturday Preston and I went to the football game, which we ended up winning, but I was worried for a little while. It was WAY warmer than I expected since it had been freezing the rest of the week. I pretty much bundled up and had to peel off layers as soon as I got there. And, I didn't bring my chapstick with SPF protection (which is pretty much a must for me because I have really sensitive lips apparently) so pretty much I have three coldsores now. But, they kinda blend into one and aren't very big, so I should be grateful! I've had much worse :)
After the football game, we decided we were in a movie mood, so we went to redbox and I wanted to see Made of Honor or Fool's Gold and Preston wanted to see this goosbumps movie (which we had never heard of before, but he used to love the books) or the Forbidden Kingdom movie. I wasn't really in a Forbidden Kingdom mood and he wasn't really in a Fool's Gold or Made of Honor mood, so we settled on the Goosebumps "Horrorland" movie. I would not recommend it. It was pretty funny just because of how lame it was. Maybe it's just because we weren't expecting it, but it was pretty bad. Not bad like gruesome, bad like super cheesy and old. Plus, it was like a TV show, not a movie so after we watched the first two episodes, we turned it off and tried to find a good halloween movie on our "on demand" free movies. We chose the Howling, which said it was edited for TV, but I don't so. So, we had to turn that one off too. Not the best movie night.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Halloween Time
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A shout out to all you Californians
bcpid1815820715/bctid1822459319. I've heard of a church leader from a Christian church in Arizona (where gay marriage has been allowed) who had to stop practicing his religion altogether because he was not allowed to turn away a gay couple who wanted him to marry them.There's also a statement from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that expains why the church is advocating more than usual which is enlightening for anyone to read - member and non-member alike. It's called "The Divine Institution of Marriage" and here's the link for that to:
the-divine-institution-of-marriage. So, any of you who are from CA and can vote, please do!! Not only for you, but for the rest of the nation. This is something that could change life as we know it and it shouldn't be taken lightly. Well, there's my opinion. Take it for what it's worth.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
General Conference = AMAZING!
Preston & I were able to go to the Conference Center for the Sunday afternoon session. I love being there! I kinda stepped in a puddle of mud on my way to the conference center from the car :) We were holding hands walking on the sidewalk behind a couple who was pushing a stroller and Preston started moving closer to me, so I thought that was his cue to pass them on the grass. That's what I get for thinking I guess. I just went for it, thinking that if we were going to pass them we should be quick about it. Preston tried to warn me right as I stepped on the grass that it looked muddy. Too late. But, it was a nice thought anyway. I found out later that Preston was moving toward me because there was a lady on the sidewalk. Hello, you'd think I would have noticed that! haha. Silly me. So, I just had to go to Conference with a slighlty soggy shoe. After Conference was over, President Monson walked down into the congregation and came pretty close to where we were sitting. Everyone filled up the isle, so we didn't actually get to shake his hand or anything, but it was still such a great feeling to know that he cares about ME! And everyone else who was there. I know that Preston and I were touched by the messages at General Conference. Even if I didn't hear a word that was said, I would love going just for the feeling there. On our way back to the car, Preston almost stepped into mud, but I saved him with my brute strength :) haha. Well, I wish. But I did save him, somehow, with my non-existent strength.
It's also pretty neat for me to realize how well the gospel correlates with Social Work. Sometimes it is hard to know how to handle certain situations, but really, I just need to love the people that I'm helping and let them know that they have worth. There are so many wonderful people in the world and so many that are lost sheep and need someone to help them find a fold. I hope that I can be an angel in the lives of those I serve.
Besides watching conference, it was a good week with the family. We watched the Saturday morning session with friends and then went to Preston's house for the next session. His dad was actually there because there was a youth choir providing the music for that session. (he's in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir). So, that was fun! During the Priesthood session, I went to a movie with my mom, sister and grandma which was also fun. We also got smoothies afterward, which were yummy. Then, I met Preston back at his house and one of his friends came over and we all played games for a while. Sunday, we took our time in the morning and watched the session at Preston's house. Then we got to go to the Conference Center that night. We enjoyed a tasty dinner from my mom and then headed back to Provo. It was a good weekend. Now we get back to tests, class, homework, work, and internships. I'd rather just listen to conference every day :) Oh well, I do enjoy the Social Work program. It really is the best and it's too bad they ended the program. Well, you've probably all had similar experiences, but I wanted to share mine.
Taosting to Conference with our smoothies :)
After General Conference
Me talking to Mumsy in between pictures
Monday, September 22, 2008
BIRTHDAYS ... I love birthdays!
Getting excited for my birthday the day before
Being excited to be at the game
Angie Sandwich
Me and the boys ...
Dan and Preston being silly.
Me, Preston, Dan, Katy, Travis and some other random people
The first gift in the scavenger hunt!
Opening the card (which was from Preston's mom).
I was stumped with the next clue.
(you can see the birthday money from mom!)
Finally, I figured it out and got the next clue from the piano
And the next clue ... in the ping pong table.
Sitting on Liz's floor eating our cake Japanese style :)
Group picture!
As you can see, we had a lot of fun! Preston is just way to good to me! And that's how it should be :)